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In the meantime …

Since you’re interested in hormonal health, here are a few more resources that you may find helpful.

Podcast Episodes

#52: How the Vagus Nerve affects period pain, postpartum depletion, pregnancy & your babies

Dr. Carrie Rigoni chats about ways the vagus nerve affects our hormones and shares at home tips to support this important nerve. listen to the episode

#66: How to Exercise Effectively with Hashimoto’s

In this episode, Dr. Emily Kilberd explains why traditional diet and exercise won’t do the trick for anyone diagnosed with Hashimotot's. listen to the episode

#49: I’m Off Birth Control, Now What?

Sophie Shepherd goes answers all of your nagging questions about the transition off of hormonal birth control. listen to the episode

Blog Posts

How Your Beauty Products and Personal Care Products Affect Your Hormones

Do you have endometriosis, PCOS, irregular, missing, painful periods, hormonal acne? If you've already addressed your nutrients, sleep and stress, it may be time to look at the products you are using at home and on your body! read post

The Gut-Hormone Connection

Did you know that your most common hormonal imbalances like acne, painful periods, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis and moodiness, and even difficulty to lose weight could all start in your digestive tract? read post

Natural Solutions to Support Your Hashimoto’s

Natural Solutions to Supporting Your Hashimoto'sA few blogs ago we discussed Thyroid Health 101 - we discussed what is the thyroid, ... read post

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