How to choose the right combination of foods – Carbs, Protein, Fats: A Guide to Metabolic Typing

Feb 27, 2019 | Food & Diet

What is Metabolic Typing?

Metabolic typing helps you eat a balanced meal for improved nutrient availability and digestive efficiency. By fine tuning your macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates & fats) you can become acutely aware from meal to meal what your body needs.

Do I have to count my macro’s to do this?

NOPE! Let me be super clear – I do not sit around counting my macros every time I eat – I eat intuitively by listening to what my body needs through out the day.
For example: If I have a piece of GF bread with soup then the soup needs to be chock full of fats & proteins otherwise my blood sugar will rise too quickly, I’ll become hypoglycemic – hungry, irritable and tired in no time flat!

Colorful meals

Do you know your metabolic type? There are 3!

  • Protein Type (Polar Type)
  • Carbohydrate Type (Equatorial)
  • Mixed Type (Variable Type).


I tend to be a protein type most of the time. This means I burn carbs quickly and must eat more protein over carbs to balance my blood sugar, keep me full and my energy up. I am sensitive to sugar & neuro-stimulants like caffeine. Protein types, originating from the Polars (think ESKIMOS!) work optimally when consuming meals that are 40% protein, 30% Carb and 30% Fats/Oils. A simpler way to look at this: for every two servings of protein have 1 serving of plant foods. Most protein types do well with Purines – a type of amino acid most commonly found in dark meat. We also may do better eating within an hour or two of bed time. Protein Types need to be careful not to eat too much protein which can lead to skin break outs, lethargy, fullness. depressed mood, craving sweets, coffee.


Carb Type’s or Equatorial Types are traditionally from warmer regions with little access to animal flesh — these types survived off of insects and plants. Carb types do best starting with 60% Carb, 15% Fat, 25% Protein – or in simpler terms one part animal flesh to two part plant foods and see how they feel. Carb types have to be careful to eat protein at each meal so they don’t become anxious, jittery, hungry, unsatisfied, and develop headaches.


Mixed Types, or Variable Types are people who have mixed heritage and may yo-yo throughout the day. I.e. having a heavy protein breakfast, only need a carb heavier lunch and a light dinner. They can start with 50% Carb, 20% Fats, 20% Proteins. Stress, temperature & Physical activity can fluctuate a Variable Types food choices. These types have to learn to get really clear with what fuels them and what they need at every given meal.

How to get started

  • Email me for a consultation and a metabolic questionnaire. This will help you identify which type you are.
  • Then fine tune & play! Start to ask yourself: Do I feel energized? Happy? Am I capable of managing my stress? Am I lasting 3.5 -4 hours between meals? Do I have good mental focus and clarity of thought? No cravings?
  • If any of these things are off you can work with a skilled C.H.E.K holistic lifestyle coach (like me :)) on how to improve these symptoms. Dialing in your sleep, stress, exercise type, water are KEY! It is important to remember that metabolic types can change and the be all, end all, is listening to how you feel and how the food is making you feel.

Related Podcast Episodes:

#99: What Glucose Tells Us About Our Health and Wellness

#101: The Mind-Body Connection to Metabolic Health
Jenn Trepeck shares the research behind why protein, fiber, and strength training are essential for supporting our mental and physical health.

#102: How Nutrivore is Setting the Record Straight About Dieting

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