SHE Talks Health Podcast
All Episodes
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Click on the titles below to learn more and listen to the episodes!
#116: Castor Oil: A Miracle Product for your Long-Term Wellness Journey and Clean Beauty Solutions
Dr. Marisol of Queen of the Thrones shares how she fell in love with castor oil and how it can help us with our overall health and wellbeing.
#115: Thyroid Thursday #2 — Clearing up Magnesium Confusion
This Thyroid Thursday Q&A discusses the benefits of magnesium and how to choose the right type of magnesium for your needs.
#114: Open Detox Pathways to Reduce Stress and Support Mind-Body Health
Heather Gray shares her story of overcoming Lyme, gut issues, sleep apnea, deep trauma, and how she helps others do the same as an FDN.
#113: Thyroid Thursday #1 — Can You Reverse Hashimoto’s and How Do Parasites Affect Thyroid Health?
This Thyroid Thursday Q&A discusses if it’s possible to reverse Hashimoto’s and how to approach it, plus how parasites play into our thyroid health.
#112: Debunking Thyroid Myths and What Allopathic Medicine Gets Wrong About Thyroid Conditions
Dr. Eric Balcavage of Rejuvagen joins us to debunk the most common myths that traditional medicine gets wrong about our thyroids — and how to actually get to the root of our issues.
#110: Get Ready For Season 3 and Thyroid Thursdays in 2025!
Announcing Season 3 of the podcast and our new bi-weekly segment, Thyroid Thursdays, a Q&A episode where you get to ask all your questions about thyroid health.
#109: Healing Inside, Out with Functional Health and Fitness Practices
Allie Cass shares how she went from bodybuilding to teaching women how to find the right tools for their weight loss journey with functional health and wellness coaching.
#108: Following Your Inner Compass for Stress and Burnout
Meredith Segan Sarason shares her journey from being a lawyer, overcoming intense stress and burnout, and now sharing what she learned about rewiring our nervous systems to get out of the stress and burnout cycle.
#107: Debunking Metabolism Myths About Weight Loss
Louise Digby joins us to debunk common metabolism myths and gives practical advice for women about supporting our bodies as we approach perimenopause.
#105: How the MTHFR Gene Affects Methylation, Detoxification, Cortisol, and the Thyroid
Ricardo Miranda nerds out with me about the MTHFR gene and how mutations in this gene affect the thyroid, methylation, detoxification, and cortisol levels.
#103: How Posture Therapy Can Help Heal Us
Rachna Patel shares how posture therapy can help women heal chronic pain, breathe better, and release trauma that could be affecting us more than we realize.
#102: How Nutrivore is Setting the Record Straight About Dieting
Dr. Sarah Ballantyne sets the record straight on diet culture and why so many people are struggling to know how to eat a healthy, nutrient-dense diet.
#101: The Mind-Body Connection to Metabolic Health
Jenn Trepeck shares the research behind why protein, fiber, and strength training are essential for supporting our mental and physical health.
#100: Moving Through a PTSD Flare Through Subconscious Reprogramming
Carly Loewenthal helps me tell part 2 of my story of getting glutened while sharing how subconscious reprogramming and rewiring neural pathways helped me get through it.
#99: What Glucose Tells Us About Our Health and Wellness
Emily Johnson of Veri gives us insight into how glucose affects many facets of our health and wellness, and how continuous glucose monitoring can help us understand it all.
#98: What To Do When You Get “Glutened”
Sophie shares what it’s like for her when she gets glutened and how she responds to the mental and physiological stress it produces in her body.
#97: How Inner Child Work Can Help With C-PTSD and Emotional Patterns
Zelina Chinwoh shares how we can begin healing trauma and CPTSD with inner child work and recognizing subconscious negative patterns within us.
#96: How Troscriptions and Methylene Blue Help Restore the Foundations of Health
Dr. Scott Sherr shares the research behind Troscriptions, the company he started to help people with mitochondrial stress and health optimization.
#95: I Never Intended to Have a Podcast (and why I decided to relaunch it)
Sophie gets interviewed and showered with love at her podcast relaunch party where friends and family came to hear why she relaunched the SHE Talks Health Podcast.
#93: Getting Acquainted with Every Part of You in Somatic Work
Sophie and Patrick discuss the several different ways somatic work can improve various aspects of your health.
#90: Six Lessons From Six Years of Coaching
Sophie reflects on the top 6 lessons she’s learned in 6 years as a health coach and functional medicine practitioner.
#89: I Have Low Progesterone, Now What?
Sophie breaks down the causes of low progesterone, how to identify it, and some simple lifestyle changes that can help reverse it.
#88: Using Breathwork to Heal Your Body
Jen Broyles talks about the benefits of breathwork as part of a holistic health journey and the different ways you can get started today.
#87: Taking Control Over Multiple Sclerosis Naturally
Alissa Frazier shares her MS journey with us and teaches us how she was able to manage her symptoms holistically and help women do the same.
#86: The Importance of How and Why We Sleep
Morgan Adams teaches us about the importance of sleep for our health and wellbeing, sleep chronotypes, and the most common forms of insomnia and how to manage them.
#85: Adding Resources to Your Period Pain Toolkit
Mimi Millard talks with Sophie about period pain, societal stigmas about “powering through” periods, and her holistic solutions to help with it all.
#84: Managing Pelvic Floor Health and Chronic Pain
Sami Hobbs talks with Sophie about her chronic pelvic floor pain from endometriosis and vulvodynia, and how she finally began to heal.
#83: Getting to the Bottom of Testosterone Excess
Host Sophie Shepherd discusses the signs of testosterone excess, how to test for it, and the changes we can make to help reverse it.
#82: How Your Genetics Affect Estrogen Dominance, Histamine, and Anxiety
Dr. Hailey Arnold teaches us about genetics testing to determine how our genetics impact estrogen dominance, mental health, histamine, and more.
#81: Supporting Magnesium for PMS, Blood Sugar and Muscle Pain
In this episode, you’ll learn the signs of magnesium deficiency, how to test for it, and what to do to reverse the side effects.
#80: Managing Chronic Migraines
Dr. Tanya Paynter reveals how she managed to reverse her chronic migraine condition and the strategies she uses to help other women manage their migraines.
#79: Optimizing Sodium and Potassium for Energy
If you’re experiencing low energy, chronic fatigue, or adrenal issues, low sodium and potassium could be the reason why!
#78: EMF and its Effects on the Endocrine System
R Blank teaches us about EMF radiation, how it affects our bodies, and how to reduce our exposure to it as much as possible in a technology-filled world.
#77: Wrapping Up 2022
In the final episode of 2022, I recap the amazing things SHE Talks Health has accomplished this year plus a look into what’s coming in 2023.
#76: Everything You Need to Know About Mold Illness
Toréa Rodriguez shares her expertise about mold and microtoxin illness, how to test for it, and what to do if you find it growing near you.
#75: Breathwork: A Vital Tool for Wellness
Linda Vazin is sharing how to use breathwork to help us access a state of mind that allows our body to process stuck energy and emotions.
#74: Thriving with PCOS
Jane Sagui, co-founder of, tells her story with PCOS, the importance of getting the right diagnosis, and how can help get you answers.
#73: Causes of Estrogen Excess
In this episode, I get to the bottom of the symptoms, causes, and treatments of excess estrogen production in the body.
#72: Vulvodynia, Mold, PMS & Loving Your Body
Jennifer Vargas shares her experience working with me to improve her intense PMS symptoms, rediscover her love for movement, and rid her body of previously undetected mold.
#71: How to Banish Bloating, Gas, & Stomach Cramps – For the Girl Who’s Tried it All
Jillian Smith teaches us about gut issues, how functional lab testing is better, and stopping the self-diagnosis cycle.
#70: A Brain on Fire – Coming Off My SSRI
I’m sharing about coming off an SSRI, how digestive issues and mental illness could be related, and how I’m supporting my mental health now.
#69: Overcoming Anxiety, Hormonal Acne, and Constipation
I’m highlighting another client’s success story on how she improved hormonal acne, anxiety, digestive issues, and more.
#68: Low Estrogen: Causes and What to Do About It
I’m doing a deep dive into pre-menopausal estrogen deficiency, explaining how to address the issues once they’re identified & much more.
#67: Endocrine-disrupting chemicals & how to spot them
Dr. Jenna Hua shares some of the biggest culprits containing endocrine-disrupting chemicals and how to avoid them.
#66: How to Exercise Effectively with Hashimoto’s
In this episode, Dr. Emily Kilberd explains why traditional diet and exercise won’t do the trick for anyone diagnosed with Hashimotot’s.
#65: Overcoming SIBO, IBS, and Chronic Fatigue
In this episode, Hally Brooke and I chat about all things functional medicine, gut issues, and chronic fatigue.
#64: Cycle Optimizing with Nutrition, Exercise, & Lifestyle
I’m joined by the amazing Kela Smith, who breaks down everything you need to know about cycle optimization.
#63: Lauren’s Story
In this episode, my client Lauren shares her story of how she survived an ectopic pregnancy and thyroid cancer.
#62: The Importance of Protecting Your Bones When You Are Young
In this episode, Dr. Susan Brown gives us a very thorough look into how important our bone health is, and how we can best support it, especially while we are still young.
#61: Mercury Removal and Detox: Sophie’s Story
I share my story of how I had nine amalgam dental fillings removed safely, and why I felt it was important to begin the process now.
#60: Take Back Control of Your Health with BodyTalk & Hyponosis
In this episode, Lyn discusses how negative thoughts have been shown to influence our health & how to stop them.
#59: Movement for Pregnancy, Postpartum and Cycling Women
Jacquie Smith chats about why she was gaining weight while training for a marathon & how she learned to listen to her hormones.
#58: Estrogen’s a Bitch
In this episode, Kate Vazquez chats about what “Estrogen Excess” is, how to recognize it in your body, and how to bring it back into balance.
#57: Tracking your Menstrual Cycle Using Tempdrop
In this episode we interview Mel Agnus from Temp Drop about fertility awareness method & how to use Temp Drop to track your cycle.
#56: My Journey Through IBS + Anxiety
In this episode, I talk about how the brain can be primed for inflammation through triggers that can result in mood disturbances & much more.
#55: Thriving with PCOS
Dr. Jennifer Roelands, Board Certified OBGYN and Integrative Practitioner, chats about her THRIVE protocol for supporting women with PCOS.
#54. How Disease is Held in the Body
We are going beyond the physical and exploring the consciousness of our body, organs and how that affects our physical body.
#53: Breast Implant Illness
Jennifer Woodward, a fellow FDN and nutritionist is chatting about her experience with breast plant illness and how she recovered.
#52: How the Vagus Nerve affects period pain, postpartum depletion, pregnancy & your babies
Dr. Carrie Rigoni chats about ways the vagus nerve affects our hormones and shares at home tips to support this important nerve.
#51: Pelvic Floor Health, Incontinence, & Diastasis Recti
Erica Ziel, from Core Athletica®, walks us through how our pelvic floor health affects our overall health, what incontinence is, what diastasis recti is, and gives tips to support both.
#50: PMS and Menstrual Moods
Courtney Mayszak, RDN, LDN, Co Founder and Chief Product Officer of Delune, talks about the science behind PMS.
#49: I’m Off Birth Control, Now What?
Sophie Shepherd goes answers all of your nagging questions about the transition off of hormonal birth control.
#48. Using Proov Testing for Healthy Ovulation
We’re learning how to use Proov to understand your ovulation, how stress affects your cycle and their brand new product, Balancing oil!
#47: Women’s Sexual Health & The Gender Gap in Health Care
Dr. Carolyn Delucia chats about cutting edge technologies available for women’s sexual wellness & the Gender Gap in women’s healthcare.
#46: Macro and Micro Nutrients for Weight Loss
Jeremy Piccott enlightens us about how he uses a whole foods approach without deprivation dieting to support women with their health and weight goals.
#45: Postpartum: How Bounce Back Culture is Harming Women
In this episode of the SHE Talks Health podcast, we talk in-depth with Kimberly McFerron, about the nuances of pregnancy and postpartum life.
#44: The Histamine, Estrogen, and PMS Connection
We examine what histamine is, what mast cell activation syndrome is and how it is connected to both estrogen and gut health.
#43: Natural Fibroid Elimination
We talk in depth with Cecili Simmons El about her story of uncovering and releasing stress & trauma and changing her lifestyle to be more easeful and less on the go.
#42: How to Ditch Your Menstrual Migraines
In this episode, we discuss Menstrual Migraines: how to determine your triggers and then what an action plan might look like in order to get relief!
#41: How to solve your IBS: Not another Low FODMAP Diet
In this episode, I’m chatting with Laura Martin about how to solve your IBS… NOT with another Low FODMAP DIET!
#40: Missing Periods: Why is this happening to you and what you can do about it
In this episode, my guest Stefanie Adler and I are discussing the causes of missing period and take a deeper look at Hypothalamic Amenorrhea.
#39: The Benefits of Estrogen & Progesterone
In this episode, I’m chatting about the importance of estrogen and progesterone, the crucial role these two hormones play in your life, and how to tell if there is an imbalance can improve a lot more than your period.
#38: Recurrent Miscarriage and Infertility Solved
In this episode, we discuss the importance of learning to chart your cycle so that you can pick up issues years before they are actually serious problems.
#37: How Poop Impacts your Estrogen Levels
In this episode, we discuss the 2 most important aspects of gut health, and the top ways our gut & hormones are connected.
#36: SIBO Made Simple
In this episode we discuss the what, the how and the practicalities of SIBO healing. If you are bloated, filled with gas, brain fog, join pain, inflammation, mood irregularities and either rapid weight loss or weight gain, these could all be symptoms of SIBO.
#35: Thyroid Part 2: Solutions for Hashimoto’s
In this episode, Sophie talks about natural methods for supporting your hashimoto’s.
#34: How to Heal Your Pelvic Floor Through Somatic and Energy Work
In this episode, we discuss how women can bring the physical & energetic body together using Holistic Pelvic Care with Dr. Miriam Bouve.
#33: Endometriosis and Women of Color
In this episode, we hear the stories of two incredible Endometriosis Warriors, Samantha Denäe and Lauren R. Kornegay.
#32: How Physical Injury Affects Your Gut Health
Do you have recurring GI issues you can’t seem to solve no matter what protocol, supplement, medication, surgery or practitioner you go to? What about migraines, neck pain, mood issues or attention/behavioral issues? This episode is a MUST LISTEN.
#31: Nutrients for the Menstrual Cycle
In this episode, I go through 3 basic food ideas I use with my clients and then we dive into how you can support your body through each phase of your menstrual cycle.
#30: Thyroid Part 1: Symptoms & Root Causes
This episode aims to teach you THYROID 101 so you understand how it works, what the symptoms are, and what some of the root causal factors could be.
#29: Irregular Cycles Part II
In Part II on Irregular Cycles, we are diving back in with Dr. Lauren Rubal to explore more holistic solutions and medical solutions to irregular cycles.
#28: Toxic Personal Care and Safer Alternatives
In this episode I brought on Arden Martin to talk about the dangers to our health of using products with toxic and unknown chemicals and what some safer alternatives might be.
#27: Infertility Trauma and The Intersection of Racial Trauma
In this episode of the SHE Talks Health podcast, Dr. Loree Johnson, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and Coach with more than 25 years of experience as a clinician, educator, and clinical supervisor sheds light on Infertility Awareness, Signs of Infertility Trauma, and The Intersection of Infertility Trauma and Racial Trauma.
#26: Charting Your Cycle to Empower Your Hormone Health
In this episode, Melissa Buchan and I talk ALL things cycle charting and how to use it as a daily empowerment practice that allows you to tune into your reproductive health, to understand what your shifting moods and energy is about, and how this is the first step in creating a diagnostic tool that can allow you to partner with your healthcare team when something goes awry with your period/fertility.
#25: The “silent” epidemic: how wheat sensitivity falls through the cracks
I interviewed an expert in all things gluten, wheat, celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. Whitney Morgan goes deep about WHY gluten & wheat are such HUGE issues for the vast majority of the population, the various testing options that are available, what strange symptoms could be arising as a result of gluten and how gluten can be a major contributing factor to chronic illness across the board.
#24: What is Holding You Back from the Sex You Desire
In today’s episode, we dove in deep with Alicia Pinkston, a Sex Therapist about sex, desire, arousal, the disconnect between men & women when it comes to sex, what is holding us back from getting the sex we want, and finding answers!
#23: Natural Solutions to Heal Infertility
In today’s episode we chatted with Sarah Clark, certified life and health coach, and creator of the Get Pregnant Naturally Podcast all about natural solutions to healing infertility.
#22: Debunking Exercise and Intuitive Movement
In this episode, I chatted with Tara Laferrara about intuitive movement, breaking societal norms about exercise and how we can put our emotions behind our movement.
#21: Understanding the Gut-Period Connection
Are you struggling with bloating, gas, constipation AND painful, heavy monthly cycles or PMS? This is YOUR episode Babe!!!
#20: Using Tantra in Sensual Connection to Navigate Fertility
Struggling with finding true intimacy with your partner while trying to conceive? The pressure to create a baby can definitely take the fun out of sex and put a whole lot of stress on you and your partner. In this episode, we talk about how you can create a more fertile energetic environment within yourself and within your relationship with your partner.
#19: Outsmarting Endometriosis
In Episode 19, we talked with Dr. Jessica Drummond, all about about endometriosis, the common symptoms, some possible causes, why this condition is NOT just a women’s reproductive issue, how to get a good diagnosis and what a holistic plan for optimal care looks like.
#18: Abnormal Menstrual Cycle: Reasons & Solutions
Do you feel like you are in the dark about your irregular menstrual cycle? In this episode, I’ve brought on a Fellowship trained, board-certified OB/GYN, Reproductive Endocrinology and Fertility Expert, Dr. Lauren Rubal to give you the 411 on your period, ovulation, and the most common reasons you could have an irregular or absent period.
#17: Top 3 Reasons Your Hormones Need a Detox
Do your hormones need a detox? And if so, how do you do it? The word detox is thrown around the wellness world but most people are still confused on how to do it and what the right path is for them. The truth about your hormones and detox is in this episode.
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